SMS provides the consultation and implementation services required to successfully deploy and run an Enterprise Asset Management System specific to the needs of our clients.
EAM Implementation
Reduced downtime and increased equipment reliability
Enhanced visibility and control over assets
Increased compliance with regulatory and safety requirements
Enhanced data-driven insights and analytics
SMS Experience
What Sets Us Apart
Strategic Maintenance Solutions has a wealth of experience and knowledge in partnering with clients to improve or deploy new EAM methodologies and applications. With an unbiased evaluation process and expertise in working with all the major EAM/ERP applications, we can help you choose the best asset management system. Additionally, we provide a full range of implementation services, including data building strategy, workflow development, and system training. Their preventive and predictive maintenance program development, spare parts program development, and EAM enhancement services are second to none. If you want to streamline your asset management system and improve efficiency, Strategic Maintenance Solutions is the right choice for you.
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EAM Implementation Services
Data Building Strategy
The data building strategy is one of the most critical components of the implementation process. SMS consultants will evaluate the choices available for the data setup within the EAM system to best leverage the EAM system's capabilities.
Equipment/Location Hierarchy Development
The setup of the hierarchies determine how a facility’s assets are located in the EAM as well as how cost roll-ups will occur. SMS combines the experience of our consultants and engineers with client input to produce a final product, which will meet all client needs. This approach has proved successful in reducing the end user learning curve.
Workflow Development
Identifying best business practice workflow procedures will allow for the best possible use of the system being implemented. An example of this is identifying the way a work request, which may become a work order, flows through the system. SMS considers the abilities of the selected software and the requirements of the client to achieve asset management effectiveness.
Asset Data Research
Asset Data Research is used to verify the data to be loaded into the EAM system when specific equipment information is not accessible on the job site during a walk-down. By using this research, our client's records contain more valuable information.
Plant Walkdowns
SMS engineers and technicians physically verify the location, service, and technical information for all assets. Our approach and process reduces the time and cost to verifying equipment/asset details which can be very labor intensive for our clients.
Data Configuration & Loading
Our engineers have vast experience with the data structures and configurations of the various EAM systems. It is imperative that the data is loaded correctly into the final system to allow for its successful use. Our experience allows for a streamlined process, resulting in the quick integration into the selected software. This ensures the highest accuracy and efficiency.
System Configuration
Every EAM system has a multitude of settings and configurations that must be setup. Examples include selection of possible work order statuses, population of lookup lists, and the use of customized fields. SMS can provide guidance to each client on making the best decisions for each circumstance.
PM Plan Development
SMS's approach to developing a Preventative Maintenance (PM) program is dependent on the careful selection of equipment to be involved. A thorough review of equipment failure modes and critical process layout allows our engineers to determine high-priority equipment that would be best served by a competent preventative maintenance program.
Inventory Program Development
Our engineers analyze the manufacturers' spare parts list, historical usage, and leverage on-site maintenance interviews to develop an accurate list for each piece of equipment. These lists are loaded into your selected EAM system for easy access.
Report Development
Our report developers create key performance indicators (KPI's) that track things such as system utilization and production line.
EAM Upgrades & Enhancements
SMS will analyze the effectiveness of a current EAM system, upgrade to the latest version, or configure options to enhance it.
System Training
User training is critical before the new system goes live. Our custom training programs follow specific user group workflows, covering everything from logging in to running reports. We offer both classroom and on-the-job training, with a testing server providing a safe environment for users to get comfortable with the new system. This approach boosts employee retention and increases user buy-in for a successful implementation.